March 23, 2015


I found out that apparently when you throw some rice and veggies together, it is called "Jambalaya"...This is an awesome idea for when you have leftover veggies at home and don't know what to do with them.

March 19, 2015

Immune Booster Smoothie

In those times when everyone around you seems to be getting sick, when it is cold outside and it's still a long way from summer, the best thing you can do is load up on fruits and veggies to nourish your immune system. 

March 16, 2015

Raw Snicker Bites

If you are looking for a super rich, but healthy treat, you have come to the right place! These raw, vegan snicker bites are a healthier replacement for chocolate. If you have a sweet tooth like me, and need your occasional chocolate fix, these will let you have it without feeling bad about it!

March 14, 2015

Chinese Peanut Noodles

These noodles were on my menu pretty much once a week when I first went vegan because they are easy to make and pretty tasty. :) You can eat them with a fresh, green salad on the side, or add cooked/ roasted veggies. For instance, roasted green asparagus is delicious with it!

March 11, 2015

Chocolate Nanaicecream

Nanaicecream is an amazing invention! It's raw, vegan, healthy ice cream, the only downside for me was that it tastes a lot like banana (duh!) and I'm not too big of a banana fan. This chocolate nanaicecream, however, really tastes chocolatey and sweet and has therefore become my go-to nanaicecream recipe!

March 07, 2015

Simple Burritos

In my first few weeks as a vegan, these burritos constituted a major part of my diet. I mean, they are about as quick & easy as it gets when it comes to preparing a meal, and they are filled with beans and fresh veggies, which make them pretty delicious!

March 03, 2015

Easy Potato Wedges

I have always been a fan of potato wedges, but somehow never really tried making them myself…don't ask me why! For the past few weeks since I first made these, I have been obsessed with homemade potato wedges. It's such a quick and easy recipe and perfect for those nights when you don't feel creative and just want to munch on something ;)

February 27, 2015

Carbonara Zoodles

This recipe is a vegan knock-off of the Italian carbonara pasta, which is classically made with bacon and eggs. It has a rich and creamy consistency, while still feeling like a light meal because the pasta is substituted with zucchini. The smoked tofu tastes similar to bacon, so I was even able to impress an avid meat eater with this :)

February 23, 2015

Vegan Waldorf Salad

This is a vegan version of the classic Waldorf salad. It's a really nice side dish and what I also liked was miking it with some lettuce- then you have a mixed salad and you don't need a dressing for the lettuce because the Waldorf salad is juicy enough!

February 17, 2015

Spicy Asian Noodle Salad

This is another recipe by Attila Hildmann. It's a spicy asian noodle salad with (almost all) raw veggies, which tastes amazing :) And it is actually easier than you would expect from the list of ingredients!

February 14, 2015

Moose Nanaicecream

I have fallen in love with Nanaicecream lately ever since I discovered it on Instagram! The fact that you can make ice cream out of bananas is pretty spectacular :) And you can add just about anything you want to it!

February 12, 2015

Spicy Szechuan Lettuce Wraps

The inspiration for these lettuce wraps came from an appetizer I had (before I was vegan) at Cactus Club in Vancouver, CA. It is a spicy chicken lettuce wrap and tastes mindblowingly amazing (no exaggeration). Since I wouldn't want to live without these for the rest of my life, I knew I had to try and reproduce a vegan version of those wraps!

February 08, 2015

Sleep Well Smoothie

Thanks to its load of vitamins, this smoothie has a cleansing and balancing effect on your body. Mixed with some calming herbs, and consumed at night, for instance as a dessert after dinner, this smoothie can actually enhance your sleep and help you feel more relaxed.

February 06, 2015

Warm Aubergine Bulgur Salad


This was the second time I've tried this recipe and it has quickly become one of my favorites! It is a true flavor explosion because there are so many different components to it. I just love every part of it!

It is an adaption of a Jamie Oliver recipe, which I turned vegan by using soy yogurt instead of normal one. I admit it takes some time to make, but I would strongly suggest to keep every component of it because the mix is what does the trick.

  • 2 eggplants
  • 200g bulgur
  • 200g vegan yogurt (e.g. soy)
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/2 tsp rose water
  • 1/2 bundle mint
  • olive oil
  • 1 tsp fennel seeds
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • 2 tbsp sunflower seeds
  • 2 tbsp sesame seeds
  • salt & pepper

  1. Preheat oven to 200°C. Cut eggplants in half and cut the inside in a crisscross pattern. Sprinkle the halves with salt and set aside for a few minutes. 
  2. Cook bulgur according to package directions. 
  3. Rinse eggplant with cold water, dry it with a paper towel and place on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and pepper. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes.
  4. When the bulgur is done, drain it. Then, in the pot, drizzle some olive oil over it. Sprinkle with some lemon peel and lemon juice. Grate garlic onto bulgur and season with salt and pepper. Cover and set aside.
  5. In a bowl, mix the yogurt with rose water, salt and pepper.
  6. In a small pan on medium heat, roast fennel and cumin seeds for 1-2 minutes. Then ground the seeds in a mortar. Roast the sunflower seeds and sesame seeds as well for about 2-3 minutes in the pan and mix with the other spices.
  7. Cut the pomegranate in quarters, put the pieces in a bowl of water and break them apart in the water to free the seeds. (This makes it less messy, and you can skim the white parts from the surface, while the seeds stay on the bottom and can be drained at the end)
  8. Take the eggplant out of the oven, sprinkle with lemon juice and some oil, let cool of a little  and cut into cubes.
  9. Serve bulgur with eggplant, yogurt mix, spices, pomegranate and mint leaves. Enjoy!


German recipe:

  • 2 Auberginen
  • 200g Bulgur
  • 200g Soja Joghurt
  • 1 Granatapfel
  • 1 Zitrone
  • 1 Knoblauchzehe
  • 1/2 TL Rosenwasser
  • 1/2 Bund Minze
  • Olivenöl
  • 1 TL Fenchelsamen
  • 1 TL Kümmelsamen
  • 2 EL Sonnenblumenkerne
  • 2 EL Sesam
  • Salz & Pfeffer

  1. Ofen auf 200°C vorheizen. Auberginen halbieren und das Fleisch kreuzweise einschneiden. Die Hälften salzen und für ein paar Minuten beiseite stellen.  
  2. Bulgur nach Packungsanweisung kochen. 
  3. Auberginen mit kaltem Wasser abwaschen, mit einem Küchentuch abwischen und auf ein Backblech legen. Mit Olivenöl beträufeln und pfeffern. Im Ofen für 40 Minuten backen.
  4. Wenn der Bulgur gekocht ist, diesen abtropfen lassen und zurück im Topf mit Olivenöl beträufeln. Zitronenschale darüber reiben und Zitronensaft zugeben. Den Knoblauch über den Bulgur reiben und mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Abdecken und beiseite stellen. 
  5. In einer Schüssel das Joghurt mit Rosenwasser, Salz und Pfeffer mischen. 
  6. In einer kleinen Pfanne bei mittlerer Hitze Fenchel- und Kreuzkümmelsamen etwa 2-3 Minuten anbraten. Danach die Samen im Mörser mahlen. Sonnenblumenkerne und Sesam ebenfalls 2-3 Minuten anbraten. Dann die 4 Gewürze zusammen mischen.
  7. Den Granatapfel vierteln und die Teile in einer Schüssel mit Wasser auseinanderbrechen, um die Samen zu befreien. (Das verhindert eine Sauerei und die weißen Teile können leicht von der Oberfläche abgeschöpft werden, während die Samen am Boden der Schüssel bleiben und am Ende abgegossen werden können) 
  8. Auberginen aus dem Ofen nehmen und mit Zitronensaft und Öl beträufeln. Etwas abkühlen lassen und in Würfel schneiden. 
  9. Bulgur mit Aubergine, Joghurt Mix, Gewürzen, Granatapfel und Minzblättern servieren. Guten Appetit! 

February 04, 2015

Vegan Chili with Sweet Potato

This hearty chili is perfect for a cold winter day! It's spicy enough to warm you up from the inside, and contains loads of veggies to boost your immune system. I admit it is a little bit of work, but it's so worth it once you have it on your plate! ;)

  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1 eggplant
  • 1 avocado
  • 200 g black beans
  • 1 small can sweet corn
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 1-2 cloves garlic
  • 2 green onions
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 400 ml vegetable broth
  • 200 ml tomato juice
  • 1 tbsp lime juice
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp paprika powder
  • salt & pepper


  1. Prepare black beans according to instructions on the package (if they need to be cooked).
  2. Peel sweet potato and cut into cubes.
  3. Wash tomatoes and cut into cubes.
  4. Wash eggplant, cut into quarters and slice.
  5. Peel & chop onion & garlic. Cut green onion into slices. Wash chili pepper and chop.
  6. Heat up a big pot and roast eggplant for 2-3 minutes (without oil).
  7. Add onion & garlic and roast for another 1-2 minutes.
  8. Add tomato juice & broth as well as sweet potato, green onion & tomatoes. Let simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  9. Add corn & black beans as well as the spices. Done!
  10. Cut avocado in cubes, sprinkle with lime juice and top chili with it.

German recipe:

  • 1 Süßkartoffel
  • 1 Aubergine
  • 1 Avocado
  • 200 g schwarze Bohnen
  • 1 kl. Dose Mais (140g)
  • 4 Tomaten
  • 1-2 Knoblauchzehen
  • 2 Frühlingszwiebeln
  • 1 rote Zwiebel
  • 1 Chilischote
  • 400 ml Gemüsebrühe
  • 200 ml Tomatensaft
  • 1 TL Limettensaft
  • 1 TL Kreuzkümmel
  • 1 TL Paprikapulver
  • Salz & Pfeffer


  1. Schwarze Bohnen nach Packungsanweisung kochen. 
  2. Süßkartoffel schälen und in Würfel schneiden. 
  3. Tomaten waschen und klein schneiden. 
  4. Aubergine waschen, vierteln und in Scheiben schneiden. 
  5. Zwiebel & Knoblauch schälen und schneiden. Frühlingszwiebeln in Scheiben schneiden. Chilischote waschen und hacken. 
  6. Einen großen Topf auf dem Herd aufwärmen und Aubergine 2-3 Minuten anbraten (ohne Öl). 
  7. Zwiebel & Knoblauch hinzufügen und weitere 1-2 Minuten anbraten. 
  8. Tomatensaft & Brühe sowie Süßkartoffel, Frühlingszwiebeln & Tomaten zugeben. 10-15 Minuten köcheln lassen. 
  9. Mais & schwarze Bohnen hinzufügen, dann die Gewürze. Das Chili ist fertig! 
  10. Chili auf Tellern anrichten. Avocado würfeln, mit Limettensaft beträufeln und Chili damit garnieren.

February 02, 2015

Vegan Nutella

I used to be a huuuge Nutella lover! So when I found this recipe for a vegan version, I was all in! :) I tried it immediately and now I like it even better than the actual version. Filled in nice jars, this would also make for cute birthday or Christmas gifts!


  • 200g hazelnut butter 
  • 3 oz. dark chocolate 
  • 3/4 cup margarine 
  • 20g confectioner's sugar
  • 1 tsp. ground vanilla
  • pinch of sea salt


  1. Melt chocolate in a bowl.
  2. If you like, warm up the margarine, so it is smooth. Mix hazelnut butter, margarine, sugar, vanilla and salt.
  3. Add melted chocolate and mix until smooth.
  4. Pour mix into a glass or container, freeze for about 30 minutes, then keep in the refrigerator.

German recipe:


  • 200g Haselnussmus
  • 100g Zartbitterschokolade
  • 180g Pflanzenmargarine
  • 20g Puderzucker
  • 1 TL gemahlene Vanille
  • 1 Prise Meersalz
  1. Schokolade im Wasserbad schmelzen.
  2. Margarine eventuell leicht erwärmen, damit sie flüssig wird. Haselnussmus mit Margarine, Puderzucker, Vanille und Salz vermixen (wenn alles flüssig ist, geht das mit einem Schneebesen).
  3. Schokolade dazu geben und cremig schlagen.
  4. Die Masse in ein Gefäß füllen und etwa eine halbe Stunde im Gefrierfach kühlen, danach in den Kühlschrank stellen.

January 31, 2015

Mango-Tofu Partyboats

These little salad boats are perfect for a party because you can easily eat them with your hands! They are a little different than your usual salad and will definitely delight!

Ingredients (about 9 boats):
  • 1 chicory
  • 200g tofu
  • 1/2 mango
  • 40g scallions (green onion)
  • 90g white almond butter
  • 2 tsp. curry
  • 1 tsp. white wine vinegar
  • sea salt
  • handful of spicy potato chips (chili or red pepper)

  1. Mix almond butter, curry and vinegar in a bowl and salt to taste.
  2. Wash the green onions and cut into rings. Add almost all of them to the curry sauce.
  3. Peel mango and cut into cubes. Cut tofu into cubes as well. Add mango and tofu to the curry sauce.
  4. Wash and try chicory leaves. Place some of the curry sauce on top and decorate with the remaining onions as well as crumbs of the chips. Et voilà!

German recipe:

Zutaten (ca. 9 Schiffchen):
  • 1 Chicorée
  • 200g Tofu natur
  • 1/2 Mango
  • 40g Frühlingszwiebeln
  • 90g weißes Mandelmuß
  • 2 TL Curry
  • 1TL Weißweinessig
  • Meersalz
  • Handvoll Paprika-Kartoffelchips
  1. Mandelmuß, Curry & Essig in einer Schüssel verrühren und mit Salz abschmecken.
  2. Frühlingszwiebeln waschen und schräg in Ringe schneiden. Fast alles davon in die Currysauce geben.
  3. Mango schälen und würfeln. Tofu ebenfalls würfeln. Beides zur Sauce geben.
  4. Chicorée waschen und trocknen. Dann die Sauce daraufgeben und mit den restlichen Frühlingszwiebeln sowie Chips-Bröseln garnieren. Et voilà!

January 29, 2015

Piña Colada Smoothie

Good morning!! :) One way to start the day off right is with a vitamin-packed smoothie! This Piña Colada smoothie is not only filled with loads of healthy fruits and seeds, but also tastes like a tropical vacation.


  • 1/2 pineapple
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 mango
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp. chia seeds
  • a little bit of water
Mix everything in a blender! :D

January 27, 2015

Curry-Coconut-Cream Cauliflower

This is a quick and easy recipe for a side dish with a twist. You can serve it with potatoes for instance for a simple dinner, and it makes the cauliflower a little more exciting! :)

I adapted the recipe from Attila Hildmann's book "Vegan To Go" that has some great recipes!


  • 1 cauliflower
  • 300 ml coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 30g cashew cream
  • 2 tsp. curry
  • 1 onion
  • 1 mini chili pepper
  • 2 tbsp. almond plates
  • sea salt

  1. Peel and cut the onion, grind the chili pepper, and roast both in 1 tbsp. coconut oil in a pan.
  2. Add curry and roast for another minute. Add coconut milk and cashew cream, and salt to taste.
  3. Cut the cauliflower and boil in salted water for 3 minutes, then drain.
  4. Roast the cauliflower in the remaining coconut oil in a pan for about 5 minutes.
  5. Roast the almond plates in a pan without oil for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Mix the cauliflower and the sauce and sprinkle with almond plates. Enjoy!

German recipe:

  • 1 Blumenkohl
  • 300 ml Kokosmilch
  • 2 EL Kokosöl
  • 30g Cashewmuß
  • 2 TL Curry
  • 1 Zwiebel
  • 1 mini Chilischote
  • 2 EL Mandelblättchen
  • Meersalz
  1. Zwiebel schälen & schneiden, die Chilischote mahlen oder hacken, und beides in einer Pfanne in 1 EL Kokosöl anbraten. 
  2. Curry hinzugeben und eine weitere Minute anbraten. Nun die Kokosmilch und das Cashewmuß dazugeben und nach Belieben salzen. 
  3. Blumenkohl schneiden und 3 Minuten im Salzwasser ankochen, dann abgießen. 
  4. Nun den Blumenkohl noch in 1 EL Kokosöl in einer Pfanne etwa 5 Minuten anbraten. 
  5. Die Mandelblättchen in einer Pfanne für 2-3 Minuten rösten. 
  6. Blumenkohl mit der Soße mixen, dann mit Mandelblättchen garnieren. Guten Appetit!